I’d like to know how it’s going. If it’s been great, please, share your experience.
Is it making you crazy? Well, any technology can do that to you - but this is about Advantage / Webvantage.
If your experience with Advantage been less than stellar, I’d like to hear from you as well. Because an investment – not only in hard-dollars, but also in the time it took to implement it, is worth fixing.
Or at the very least, review it before you make a big change. Change is tough - remember?
Your colleagues will love you for making their lives…easier.
We are happy.
So on to the questions…Did you implement it agency-wide? How did that go /
how long did it take? Is everyone using it? Is it performing as you expected?
Are you using Webvantage as well?
Yes to all of those? Awesome – tell us about your experience.
We are unhappy.
Okay, I’ve worked with hundreds of individuals, some of whom have had a not-so-great
experience with Advantage / Webvantage. I’d like to hear from you. It will be therapeutic.
At the very least, you can vent.
Questions for you…How long have you had Advantage / Webvantage? Did you have assistance during the implementation process? Were you prepared for the setup, testing, training, and roll-out? How has the follow-up been? Have you made adjustments along the way?
Is it just a raging headache and you’re looking to another solution?
I really want to hear from you. This post is a forum for you to air and share. Bring. It. On.
And by the way, I can help you.
Sometimes you don’t have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. There I said it.
Let’s fix your issues so you can get to work!