Advertising In Vegas And Bail Bonds

So I’m watching Sunday Night Football – yes I have a severe food hangover – and I saw this awesome spot for Goodfellas Bail Bonds. Don’t know if they have an agency, but this is “brilliant”. I couldn’t catch all the lyrics though.

And their spot ran right before game start.

Timing is everything.

This spot is simply memorable - isn't that what we're going for in advertising?

If I get arrested for too many links per post, they’ll be my first phone call.

And speaking of advertising, if I see another Lexus Holiday spot I’m gonna need those guys.

By the way, should you be visiting my hometown and get caught doing something stupid (it happens), you should call Goodfellas. 

Where else can you get a Free Ride Home, a Free T-shirt, and a Free Hug? 

Goodfellas, in Vegas!