Getting Ready For The Advantage Users Group

I'll be heading up to Red Rock Resort in a few minutes to check in and say hello so many friends and colleagues I've worked with over the past few years. 

Conferences are great places to gather information, share, make new friends, and pay attention too. There will be a lot of cool stuff presented, and when you pay attention, you'll learn something new that you didn't know the software could do. (It's always improving!)

So get away from all that manual crap and Just Say No to spreadsheets. Get with the program and enjoy The Advantage Software Company User's Group!

I'll see you there!

The So Called Talent Crisis

You can buy this poster at The Keep Calm-o-matic. Click on the image to take you there.

You can buy this poster at The Keep Calm-o-matic. Click on the image to take you there.

You go to university, get an advanced degree, graduate, and then disappointed – no pissed – that the offered salaries aren’t what you think they should be, or worse, your talent is not valued. So says this piece in Digiday.

I get it. You’ve been told – no you listened to – all those experts (and educators) who said that the best education, nurturing the best talent, would land you in the job of your dreams with the salary and culture to go along with it.

You may be bringing some awesome new ideas and talent to the agency, but you just got out of school.

You have no experience. You are unproven.

You have never sat across from a client who is telling you, “I want something marvelous and innovative”, but is a) unwilling to pay (much) for it, and b) has a specific idea which he will personally art direct. To. Death.

And it doesn’t matter who you are, that breathtaking portfolio – created in the dreamy (albeit competitive) world of the classroom – has nothing to do with reality.

The creative that sells stuff is, unfortunately, reality.

Oh, I know what it’s like to know you have a lot more bankable talent than anyone is willing to pay for. But you have to learn the ropes. And that’s not the old way to do business; it is the way to do business.

When clients are squeezing every single cent out of an agency, there isn’t a whole lot of cash to go around. Especially for someone who is extraordinary but hasn’t a clue on how agencies make money.

So I don’t have a lot of sympathy for new grads who aren’t willing to do the ugly work at an agency.

Ugly is where reality lies. If you want to live in a fantasy, stay pissed. If you want to be in advertising, get real. Go to work for a crappy salary (agency salaries are always crappy at the beginning) to get some real experience.

If you pay attention and drop the arrogance, you’ll learn really important things – like where your talents can take you; learning to do what you do efficiently (aka make a profit); aligning with the people who will teach you the reality of agency life and how to work it; and how to really get what you want without whining.

Talent crisis? I think not. It’s just that the talented aren’t willing to invest one second beyond graduation in learning. It is an investment, but one with a big payoff if you’re willing to do the work, and yes, even work in a place that doesn’t have a game room or a keg of micro-brew in the break room.

Take it from me kids, I’ve been in the business nearly 40 years (even kept up with technology too – unimaginable at my age, I know) and there’s still a ton to learn.

And by the way, there are a million ad folks out there – with real, live experience – willing to teach. It’s the cheapest, most useful class you’ll ever attend.

A Practical Guide To Attending A Conference

I’ve been to a lot of conferences and if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that attending sessions and paying attention is important. Pretty. Basic. Stuff.

You (or your boss) paid for it after all.

But there’s more to attending a conference than just being present.

You also have to keep work moving along back at the office; you have to be comfortable; you have to keep all your devices charged.

So here’s some practical advice. I apologize for the length – there’s a whole section on Las Vegas at the end because I live there and want you to have a good time. Responsibly.

During a conference –

Do your timesheets from the convenience of home via your Webvantage app on your mobile device. Warm and cozy.

Do your timesheets from the convenience of home via your Webvantage app on your mobile device. Warm and cozy.

Conference rooms are cold – Take a sweater, sweatshirt, favorite Snuggie® – or something to keep warm. By design, meeting rooms at conferences are always cold. Temperatures are set to cooler temperatures to keep you awake. In Las Vegas, where I live, everything is over-air conditioned. I always have to wear a sweater inside during the summer. So if attending a conference in Vegas, it’s doubly important to bring a layer or two to be comfortable.

Speaking of Comfort – Comfortable shoes are a must. There’s usually a hike between your room and a conference center. Unless your conference is MAGIC, leave the stilettos at home.

Take notes – You’re there for a reason and there’s usually a few nuggets of wisdom to share back home.

Bring business cards – You’ll find a lot of like-minded folks who have pondered the same issues; or solved the same problems with a different approach; and you could make a life-long friend. You could also find your next job at a conference – or your next colleague.

Scope-out outlets* – Preferably near a chair. Hopefully you’ll be able to snag it during a break and you can charge your fading battery. A lot of conferences are in rooms with movable walls so charging within the room can be futile.

Find the restroom right away – That’s right. During a busy conference you may need to hike it (they’re rarely convenient), and at break time it’s a pain to wait in line once you get there. Know where they are (and sometimes it’s better to travel a little further to avoid the wait, then use your valuable time grabbing a water and a muffin – or check-in on work back at the ranch).

Eat – Food at conferences is usually okay, and cuts down on your expense budget. And it will help keep your mind from wandering (feed your head). Don’t want it now? Grab an apple or cookie for later.

After conference hours –

Socialize responsibly – As one who has ignored this advice a time or two in the past, I speak from experience. It is a ton of fun being with colleagues away from work. Everything in moderation is the mantra.

Check-out the town – Find the best restaurants, shops and music – and put a little money out there and boost the economy. The hotel concierge, others who’ve been there before (always my first choice), or your favorite app. Unless you’re planning to order-in room service while you work, leave the hotel. The food will often be better.

Get to bed at a reasonable hour – enough said.

After the conference –

Give feedback – If you get a form, fill it out. At least do the checkbox portion. The organizers do read them and are always working to make each conference better than the last.

Keep in touch – You just met a whole bunch of people who like to help and need help. You’ve just been (re)introduced to a unique community so keep sharing updates. Connect on LinkedIn or other social sites. Know what’s going on in your community, provide guidance to the newbies, and. . .ask for help. There’s always someone out there with bona fide credentials, and then there are hacks willing to flame. Weed through the crap. There’s good stuff out there.

If in Las Vegas –

The economy is based on gambling – Surprise! that’s what fuels the city. So if new to gambling, set your limit, $20 max and you should have a good time on a nickel machine. If you’ve been here a time or two, you know the ropes. Be responsible and don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. The odds are always in the house favor. So with that, if you’re up, cash out and spend the extra on a little something for yourself. Head over to Bonanza, the World’s Largest Gift Shop. And with that. . .

Shopping is everywhere – you can shop in your casino, on the Strip, in the ‘burbs. Lots of high-end stuff. It’s actually kind of fun to stride into Harry Winston and see something that only the 1% can afford. However, when I shop (I actually hate to shop), I head to the Premium Outlets (I prefer North). There’s a bus from the strip, and thousands of cabbies willing to take you there.

Eat – Las Vegas has some of the finest chefs in the world. Splurge – just one night.

Be prepared for the cost of a drink – Casinos are really expensive (in my book, and I live here). A $6 Corona or $17 scotch is stupid (any liquor out of a speed gun is 3/4-ounce). But play a slot machine (you can play penny machines), and a lovely cocktail waitress (I’m not sexist, they’re always female, and always super nice which equals lovely), will come by, ask you what you want, and she’ll bring it right to you. It’s “free” because you’re gambling. BUT – do give a tip. $1 - $2 is nice, more is nicer.

Drink water – The humidity in Vegas is really low. Air conditioning lowers it even more. It is dry. And if it’s hot outside or you’re drinking alcohol, even more the reason – hydrate with water.

Be prepared to walk – a lot. This time of year it’s pleasant outside and a stroll from Mandalay Bay to the Bellagio looks easy. It’s a 1.4 mile obstacle course. Beware: There are only a few remaining intersections that do not have pedestrian over-passes. And a little piece of advice: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN ACROSS LAS VEGAS BOULEVARD. Pedestrians do not have the right-of-way outside of crosswalks in this town. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve almost killed someone with a drink-on-a-sling running across the street from Paris to the Bellagio to watch the fountain. You’ll only have to wait 15 minutes or so for another chance to see the grandeur.

"Red Rock Canyon-800px". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution

"Red Rock Canyon-800px". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution

Be a tourist – Come to Las Vegas a day or two early or stay an extra couple days. Where else can you see the Eiffel Tower, Pyramids, Venice, a volcano, and a Pirate Ship in one place? Once you’ve filled your soul with that experience, Red Rock Canyon is just a few miles to the West with wonderful (and many easy) hiking trails; Death Valley (Badwater is awesome at 282 feet below sea level) is a couple hours further to the West; Hoover Dam is just an hour to the East; and the Grand Canyon is a 4-1/2 hour drive to the East. If you’re that close, you should check out the real wonders of this area.

*If you’re attending the Advantage Users Group next week, I’ll be there, near an outlet during breaks (as a courtesy), with plenty of plugs to power your devices. That is until security shoos me away. I’ll even offer up a bit of advice on the terrific new features of Webvantage. I might even offer some well-honed opinions.

You Now Have Justification To Attend A Conference

I get lots of notices for industry conferences. Everything from Large Format Printing, to Increasing Agency Valuation, to Finding Happiness at Work.

Lots of information. Lots of reasons to attend. Lots of reasons to tell your boss you have to go. And that does not include shopping and hanging out with friends in the brewpubs around the corner from the hotel – except after hours.

I have been to many conferences, spoke at a few and have found one thing to be true above all else: no matter what the subject or content, you will probably gain as much from talking to other attendees as from sitting in a session.

Not that sessions are boring or not relative to what you need to know (you should pay attention), but often, sessions provide the subject matter. They provide the topic to discuss and debate with your colleagues.

Conferences are also great for finding out what is working for others’ agencies, and applying it to your agency. Or the other way around – share what’s working for your agency.

And just an aside: you can find your next job there – or find out that you really don’t want to work at that legendary, dreamy agency – because they too, have just as many (and the same) problems you want to escape.

If anything I have learned over the many years of working in agencies and marketing departments – and with them is this:

Nothing is unique. No agency, no creative director, no project manager – no issue. Sometimes it’s a little more bizarre, but pretty much, we’re all alike.

So go to the conference and hang out with others – like-minded individuals. You’ll learn from them too!

You’ll find out that any successes or issues you have in your agency (and you do), are the same that others are dealing with. You aren’t alone.

advan conference.JPG

So with that, if you are an Advantage/Webvantage user, check out their upcoming conference happening next month, October 19 - 22. Go to their site and check it out.

Added bonus, I’ll be there. I won’t be speaking, that’ll be up to their amazing staff, but I’ll be around to give you a first-hand account of the process of implementing what I consider to be, the best agency management program available.

I speak from experience on that one. I have worked with lots of software over the years. And as a disclaimer, I am a preferred Advantage consultant. Truly, I wouldn’t go out on the recommendation limb if I hadn’t personally implemented and used it myself – successfully.

And . . . this is your chance to get a little of my “advice” for free. Wow!

There’s even a more better bonus: It’s in Vegas. My hometown. Arrive a few days early and enjoy the Strip.

Conferences don’t get any better than that.

Making The Arrangements

When you’re in our line of work – project managers, you know, the basic Process People – nothing rings truer than a quote from Bob Hoffman, AKA Adcontrarian:

“Creative people make the ads. Everyone else makes the arrangements.”

For those of us who make the arrangements, I see our job as a facilitator, keeper of civility, manager of profitability, efficiency expert, therapist, and seer of All Things That Can Go Wrong. (You’d be amazed at the things I can foresee.)

We shouldn’t be a speed-bump, barrier, wall or unmovable object when it comes to getting great creative done.

However, I do believe everyone should get along and do their part so that everything in an agency can get done. On time. I'm not talking a kumbaya moment here. Just plain old cooperation.

Yes, I understand that everyone’s awe-inspiring creative is the most important thing in the agency. Ever. But I also understand that everyone else’s awe-inspiring creative is just as important.

That’s why people like us – the PMs, traffic, those who keep the work moving along – are important and shouldn't be eyed with contempt when they walk into a room.

We make sure everyone has what they need, projects are kept within budgetary boundaries (we always find a way), and move other work around while bargaining our last favor to squeeze extra help for your project. We’ve also been known to get food and drink to the creative masses as they work through the night to meet a deadline.

We’re also the ones at the end of the line, who make the arrangements (and often pick up and deliver) to get the decks ready for your 10am meeting.

So while the Creative People make the ads, the arrangements must be made by someone – and that someone is most often us – the PMs. The Process People.

Yes, we have our systems, and those seemingly tedious systems do make creatives crazy, but those very systems are the ones that give us everything we need to make sure your stunning project gets done. And everyone else’s projects get done too.

So please, don’t complain the next time we ask you to mark your task complete, or do your timesheet. All that stuff makes it easier for us to help you.

We make the arrangements.

Don’t Overcomplicate It. Process Is Actually Easy.

If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a thousand times. A committee, or better yet, a Task Force, is convened to define Process.

Yes, it’s that P Word again.

I’ve defined process everywhere I’ve been. And as much as everyone hates Process, and the people who embrace it, there is, indeed, real value in it.

Let’s define process first. says:

nounplural processes 

 [pros-es-iz, uh-siz, uh-seez or, esp. British, proh-sesproh-suh

1.   a systematic series of actions directed to some end: to devise a process for homogenizing milk.

2.   a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner: the process of decay.

Milk and decay aside, Process exists at some level in every agency – whether you know it or not, you probably have a process that’s unwritten, yet people are doing pretty much the same thing in the same way, every day, and everything works just fine.

There’s your process.

Then there’s the other side, where the steps are so detailed, so unwieldy, that process becomes The Job. This is usually the consequence of a project that went off the rails somewhere in the past – and probably not all that spectacularly, and no one can really remember what happened...

Just some random event that really pissed off someone, be it the Partner or, God Forbid, the Project Manager.

Then you get new rules. Lots of rules. Rules that become process.

Rules about the Order For Approval. Proofer has to see it first (but they’re at lunch).

The rule about Rush Jobs. Two days constitute a Rush Job (but there’s a huge opportunity to do something amazing for the client – today).

The rule about Account standing over Creative and giving direction. This one I’ll stick by. NEVER is this acceptable.

Lots of little rules that add up to a giant pain. For everybody.

Anyway, there are a bunch of Rules. And a bunch of Steps. And a punitive jerk or two who wears the mantle of Project Manager and gets in your face. Every day. Because you didn’t follow process.

Well, an agency needs process. It doesn’t need to be complicated. It just needs to make sense to everyone who’s involved. Or else your amazing team will simply ditch your carefully diagrammed process.

You will be the butt of jokes. Mocked. Scorned. Dare I say, despised.

Let’s make it easy.

Map your workflow. It can be a numbered list - please skip the Microsoft flow diagrams, they're icky and time-consuming. This is supposed to be easy, right?

  1. What are the logical steps it takes a project to enter the door and leave? 
  2. Who touches it at each of those steps? 
  3. What tools are used for that individual to progress through those steps (and know what's going on)?

About tools: they can be as simple as using email (which I will personally shoot anyone who uses email for managing work, but hey, if that’s your system, then by all means. But fair warning of disaster ahead). Or you could have something a little more sophisticated and organized. If you don’t want to pay money for software, then at least go with Google Docs. Or even an organized folder structure on a central server. Bottom line: give everyone a place to find shit. Okay?

Here’s an example: The client calls, the AE fills out a job order and turns it over to the PM. The PM good-naturedly takes the job, applies a schedule, confers with creative and turns it over to the chaps ready and willing to do marvelous creative. It gets reviewed and proofed, then back to the AE to present to the client, who then loves it and writes a big, fat check.

It all comes down to: what are the logical steps? Some projects are more involved and require more steps and more touch-points, and some fewer.

Yes we can do a Rush Project. We note them as such. And no, not everything is a RUSH.

Now go, map your workflow. That’s the foundation of your process. When things go wrong – and they do (or else you’re not in advertising) – look at the mapped workflow and note what basic step was skipped – or perhaps missing. Chat with the individuals where the error occurred and ask them how to avoid it in the future. It could have been a one-time thing. Lesson learned, and move on. Don't create another rule. 

And by the way, it is good policy to ask the people doing the work how they see workflow. What are the steps that lead to them, that if done properly, make their lives easier?

The process will be written and owned by the users.

No Committee. No Task Force.

Back To Work. Back To School.

Lydia is prepped and ready for her first day of school!

Lydia is prepped and ready for her first day of school!

Many of you had a three-day weekend. You may have celebrated Labor Day by getting the day off work and gathering with friends and family for a barbeque. Or maybe you spent the day getting ready for the First Day Of School.

My daughter, whose birthday is tomorrow, is celebrating her big day by sending her daughter off to The Big First Day Of School. Kindergarten.

It’s an exciting time. There’s a new backpack, pencils, composition book, lunch box, a couple new things to wear.

It’s all so simple. And all so worth taking the time to enjoy it.

Happy First Day Of School, Lydia!

I’ll get back to advertising tomorrow.