Beer Fridays and Music

Alright, I admit I’m old. Way back in the day, during high school, my Very First Job was in a radio station.

Doesn't seem that cool? Well, back then, AM Radio Ruled – but it was comprised of tinny songs around two minutes long. And lots of spots. For local things. Because radio was really local back then.

FM Stereo was gaining ground. People were buying very cool home equipment, but it was really expensive to put it in your car, and at that time, 4-Track Stereos were The Thing. 8-tracks followed shortly – progress!

Because life was so amazing, we’d drive around at night looking for things to do – as we switched back-and-forth from station-to-station to find a good song – and take in that two-minute version with all the guitar leads cut out so it fit on a 45 record.

So at my Very First Job after school, I worked at the first FM Stereo, Album Format Rock & Roll station in Portland. The music was safe during the day. But after 9pm, the DJs played the long versions of everything. Which, in those days was about 17 minutes.  Extended versions. With all the guitar leads. Do you know what the two-minute-version of the Allman Brothers’ Whippin’ Post sounds like? Neither do I.

That. Was. Awesome.

To complete the picture, I had a ’63 VW bug with a safari top. Adorned myself in Indian print shirts and Sea Farers. Got free tickets to concerts, and I hung out with people who were a lot older than me. It all fit so well.

It was a cool job for a teenager.

In the world, we had a war to protest, bras to burn, consciousness to raise, and music that defined a generation. I’ve heard it said that music is the soundtrack for your generation. It was true for me.

I still love the old music, hear it sampled here and there – and resurrected in a TV spot or two.

I was ‘too young’ to participate in Beer Fridays, but we had plenty of them. We were creative, hard-working and had a lot of fun – and the DJs knew how to put a set together.

The music always got us in the mood for the weekend. Glad I was there.

Happy Beer Friday! And what are you listening to?

reinventing: culture and managing change part one

Sorry, this is a little long-form, but it ticks a couple boxes on my list of Things That Bug Me. Corporate culture and reinvention – which includes managing change.

The buggy issue is that corporate culture can prevent a successful transition. Old ways die hard when entrenched in culture. Especially when that culture influences how employees react to the day-to-day. It has become habit, dutifully enforced by all your colleagues. Defy the sacred practices, and you’re in for chakra realignment.

I am by no means an expert on corporate culture, nor on the process of reinventing a Very Large (Fortune 500) Corporation. However, I have lived both, personally shepherded transitions, and therefore have first-hand experience – and that makes me an expert on my experience.

MarketWatch ran this little slide presentation titled 10 most-hated companies in America.  

Why are they hated? A lot of reasons, but in my opinion a couple major reasons come to mind. Company execs don’t listen to loyal customers and they don’t train and/or support their employees.

And of course, the all-knowing experts tell customers to hate them.

Just like me, the pundits can have any opinion they want. But they have a lot more reach, and therefore can influence public opinion. Imagine that.

All those experts may own more street cred, but in my world, they’re wrong. A couple of hated exceptions on the list, like Dish and T-Mobile, probably earned it because no one has ever liked their TV or phone service.

So what do I know about reinvention and culture? I’ll speak to the changes at JCP aka J.C. Penney through a little story of my own: 
I joined the Nordstrom corporate marketing department after they abandoned their “Reinvent Yourself” campaign. Customers hated it. All on their own. They didn’t even need the press to tell them.

Nordstrom diverted from their staple of print and direct mail that was created in-house, to a complete shift to broadcast – developed by their agency, Fallon. The corporate marketing department had major staff reductions as a result of this departure.

Nordstrom also changed their merchandise mix to reflect a more ‘hip’ style. Oh, and orange was the new pink.

A few months into the campaign, when same store sales dropped (up to 10% in one store), and alienating their core customers – they changed course, realizing how powerful (and profitable) a loyal customer can be.

Nordstrom may be a Fortune 500, but they are a family company – that has a very strong, uncompromising culture. The fact that they took a very expensive dive into a radical change was remarkable. And it didn't work. They forgot their customer – then they heard from them. And they reversed course.

JCP is truly reinventing. 
The reason they are Most Hated, as cited on MarketWatch, is the failed pricing structure. Simple pricing (aka Low Everyday Pricing), like $10 for a shirt. Doesn't that just make you hate?

Newsflash – that isn’t the reason they’re hated. People don’t care what the price tag says.

Wholesale changes were made to an old company, from top to bottom, and were not explained to the employees or their loyal customer base. Did they address corporate culture? How did the employees deal with the massive changes, other than accept that everything was going to be…better?

If the powers-that-be thought that advertising would explain everything then they are delusional. New store, new look, touch screens – where are my favorite socks?

When the changes came, which were significant, they weren't explained. What is this store trying to be – Target? I don’t know, but JCP, tell me. How about a meaningful PR campaign to rebut the dismal press? Push back Mr. Johnson, tell them what’s going on and turn this into a success story.

And then you have MarketWatch to support staying with the same old store with ‘modest challenges’. Simple pricing is the culprit that put JCP at Number One on their 10 most hated list? Oh, please.

And a word about pricing: JCP’s base was addicted to sales. Yep, the loyal shopped when there was a sale. I shopped there before the Big Change, and there was plenty of merchandise that was shop-worn due to endless rotation and mark-downs. Wasteful. Expensive. Time consuming. Dumb. Company and customers entrenched in that cycle. Do you ever pay full-price at Macy’s? Addicted to sales. I rest my case.

Bottom line – reinventing means you are going to change everything you do. And that means you are going to change the way people work, how you interact with your customers, and your product (output). That has to happen with thorough preparation which includes engaging and educating your employees, your customers, and perhaps, your culturally stagnant C-suite.

Nordstrom and JCP have been in business for a long time. Strong culture, familiar name, loyal customers.  One was working well – and decided to reinvent their product – didn't work. They adjusted. The other was barely surviving in aging mediocrity – and decided to reinvent everything – will it work? I hope so. I like the new JCP.

If there’s anything I know about managing change, it is this: plan, prepare, train, inform, roll-out – and re-group. Nothing is so awesome that you can’t make adjustments.

Transition is hard in an entrenched corporate culture. But it seems to be much harder to change culture that is no longer relevant. Culture is clingy and permeates everything. It bugs me when you ignore that.

the rules of the NCAA

This blog is about managing the day-to-day in an agency; however I actually do think and read about other things, and will provide my opinion. And sometimes I can even tie it in to managing that daily grind.

I wasn’t really interested in football until oh, the 2011 season. The Oregon Ducks were on TV and doing really well. Since I had spent most of my life in Oregon, and my husband is an alum, we decided to watch what turned out to be awesome football. I got hooked, and followed the Ducks since.

So I got an email other day with a link to this story, An Oregon Football Player Faked An Injury In The Fiesta Bowl So A Walk-On With $70,000 In Student Loans Could Play. Then I clicked through to this article in the Oregonian by John Canzano about Oregon Ducks Football player Dan Ebanez. (And a follow-up article here.)

The Oregonian article says:

“In fact, the NCAA is so strict with regulations during the academic year that the non-scholarship players aren't allowed to dine alongside those receiving financial aid for playing sports.

"We get out of our football meetings at night, and we're hungry and tired, and the scholarship players go off to the dining hall to eat together and us walk-ons all sort of just walk away and have to fend for ourselves," Ebanez said. "It's like a final little slap in the face."

Now I’m sure the NCAA must have some sort of really good reason for this rule, but it just seems totally B.S. to me.  Why? Because they are a team. Meritocracy is cited as the reason, but in a team, segregating them seems like a huge contradiction to me. How can you really congeal a team when there are separate spaces for dining?

Am I totally out of line here? I just don’t get it.

If you haven’t had to pay for college lately, it’s expensive. Loans are the only way most of us can get an education which leads to that ever-important degree. And I’m sure you’ve read all about how new graduates can’t get jobs – or if they do, the wages don’t come close to covering a living wage AND student loan payments.

Here’s the deal: awesome guy, hard worker, well respected = deserves a break. His teammates thought so. They made sure he got some on-field time in the bowl game.

If you have interest in helping Dan Ebanez, who is highly regarded by coaches and teammates (and the press); or perhaps offer up a good job so he can pay off his student loans – shoot me an email  Or you can contact John Canzano through the Oregonian. Or you can probably get in contact with Mr. Ebanez through the University of Oregon.

And here’s your tie-in with management:

Look around your agency or department – meritocracy creates a huge divide that prevents passing along valuable insight and skills – and it works both ways. Do you even know what the employees in your agency are capable of? Have you asked them or given them a chance?

 Your veteran staff has earned the right to take on the juiciest creative assignments. But give those on the support team the opportunity to show you their talent occasionally. I’ll bet they will amaze you.